Cindy Trautwein

The Slave Trade in Cozumel, Mexico

Cozumel is a popular tourist destination today, but it has a dark history. The island was a major hub for the slave trade during the 16th and 17th centuries.

The Spanish conquistadors arrived in Cozumel in 1518. They quickly enslaved the indigenous Mayan people and forced them to work in the mines and on the plantations. The Spanish also imported slaves from Africa to work on the island.

The slave trade in Cozumel was a brutal and inhumane business. Slaves were often mistreated and overworked. They were also subject to sexual abuse and violence.

The slave trade in Cozumel began to decline in the 18th century. This was due to a number of factors, including the decline of the Spanish Empire and the rise of abolitionism.

The slave trade in Cozumel left a lasting legacy on the island. The island’s population is still predominantly Mayan, but there is a significant African-Mexican minority. The slave trade also had a negative impact on the Mayan culture.

Here are some of the impacts of the slave trade in Cozumel:

  • The slave trade decimated the indigenous Mayan population.
  • The slave trade introduced African culture to Cozumel.
  • The slave trade left a legacy of racism and discrimination on the island.

What is being done to address the legacy of the slave trade in Cozumel?

In recent years, there has been a growing movement to address the legacy of the slave trade in Cozumel. This movement has called for reparations for the descendants of slaves and for the preservation of African-Mexican culture on the island.

The Mexican government has taken some steps to address the legacy of the slave trade. In 2012, the government passed a law that recognized the African-Mexican community as an official indigenous group. The law also created a fund to support African-Mexican cultural projects.

However, more needs to be done to address the legacy of the slave trade in Cozumel. The government needs to provide more support to the African-Mexican community and to educate the public about the island’s dark history.

What can tourists do to help?

Tourists can play a role in addressing the legacy of the slave trade in Cozumel by supporting African-Mexican businesses and cultural projects. Tourists can also learn more about the island’s history and the experiences of enslaved people.

By educating themselves and supporting the African-Mexican community, tourists can help to create a more just and equitable future for Cozumel.  If you ask Cindy Trautwein at FliptoursCozumel concierge and tours in Cozumel happy to refer you to the stores and their influence of art.

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about me

cindy trautwein

I have been using my 11-year vacationing to Cozumel with my family, and 16 years living permanently on the Island, for a one-stop Concierge and Tour services. I am an expert in directing you to something new, like Food Tour and Lifestyle tours into the Heart of Cozumel.

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