Cindy Trautwein

Did you know there are some programs and initiatives that indirectly involve points or credits that can aid in acquiring a home in Cozumel for Nationals


  • This government-backed program offers credits to eligible workers to purchase, build, or renovate homes. Points are accumulated based on salary and contributions, influencing loan eligibility and amount.
  • While not specific to Cozumel, it can be used to purchase property there if the requirements are met.


  • Similar to INFONAVIT, this program provides housing loans for public sector employees. They also use a point system based on salary and contributions, impacting loan eligibility and amount.
  • Like INFONAVIT, it can be used for purchasing property in Cozumel if the requirements are met.

3. Local Government Programs:

  • Some municipalities in Mexico, including Cozumel, may offer subsidies or grants for housing aimed at specific groups like low-income families or first-time buyers. These programs sometimes have eligibility criteria based on points or credits accumulated through participation in community activities or fulfilling certain requirements.
  • It’s crucial to check with the municipal authorities in Cozumel to see if any such programs are currently available and what their specific point or credit system entails.

4. Private Developer Programs:

  • Some private developers in Cozumel might offer loyalty programs or incentives that involve points or credits earned through referrals, purchases, or participation in their events. These points can then be redeemed for discounts or benefits towards purchasing properties within their developments.
  • Research individual developers in Cozumel to see if they offer such programs and their specific point system details.

Remember, the traditional real estate market is still the primary way to buy houses in Cozumel. However, exploring these alternative avenues involving points or credits might provide additional access to opportunities or financial assistance for acquiring your dream home on the island.  We recommend

She has an excellent offer to meet and tour personally neighborhoods before considering a purchase.  Contact her for all Cozumel real estate interests.

Here is a recent news article about the same Did you know about this?  Did you ever wonder why subdivisions looked the same or like this In Mexico ?   There is a reason loosely translated this is how it works

Acquiring a home in Q. Roo, a very distant dream

Infonavit credits for an average employee in the entity is 482 thousand 649 pesos.

Six out of 10 Quintanarro residents consider it a far-fetched dream to buy their own home in the entity, due to rising prices, inflation and the difficulties to obtain sufficient credit.

The latest report of “Mortgage Credits in Mexico”, prepared by banking financial institutions and real estate groups, details that a person needs to pay 13,850 pesos only to cover the monthly payment of an average home in the north of the entity.

The above is because the average of houses in Cancún, Playa del Carmen and Tulum is 1.3 million pesos, in an area of 174 square meters.

The Lahus portal, specialized in the sale of real estate, points out that it would take a minimum income of 30 thousand 500 pesos monthly for a bank to grant a mortgage for that amount, as the credits of the Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit), for a the average employee in the entity is 18 to 30 years old is 482 thousand 649 pesos.

The vast majority of employees in the Mexican Caribbean are laid off by the Mexican Institute of Social Security, with a monthly income of 12 thousand pesos.

“This is just for a considered small house, one bedroom, one bathroom, dining room and a kitchenette.” If the user is looking for a house with two or more bedrooms and a little more space in Cancun, they must pay at least 2.5 million pesos, which requires salaries of 60 thousand pesos per month,” says Lucía Valencia Peña, real estate agent at the entity.

He explains that for this reason the sale of residences to the local population has decreased by 40% in the last lust, being foreigners or people from other states who mainly acquire these properties.

“I, as a real estate worker, can’t afford to buy a house of the basic family type,” says Lucía: “so I have to settle for those of social interest that are increasingly scarce.” Every time an excited family comes to quote a house and they learn about the prices, they walk away disappointed, because they will have to keep renting,” he said.

It points out that lots are still being sold at less than a million pesos, but these are houses less than 80 square meters, two meters by four quarters and in hazardous areas or far from the city center.



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cindy trautwein

I have been using my 11-year vacationing to Cozumel with my family, and 16 years living permanently on the Island, for a one-stop Concierge and Tour services. I am an expert in directing you to something new, like Food Tour and Lifestyle tours into the Heart of Cozumel.

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